A Bullet For God Page 6
Chapter 5
The newspaper headline was screaming at Peter as he walked to the shopping centre to meet Ray.
‘Hobo hijacks miracle event’. With shock and disbelieve he stared at it for an extensive moment. The magnitude of his action on that stage hit him like a four-pound hammer and he knew he should buy a copy. After counting the coins in his pocket, he made his way into the shop. The shop owner looked at him in a rather peculiarly way as he handed him the paper.
‘Excuse me, sir; is this your picture in the paper?’
Looking at his own face in the paper, microphone in hand, Peter felt as if he could run back to his container. The question had caught him by surprise and he had to recover quickly as everybody in the shop was already starring at him. Before he could think of something to say, the shop-owner spoke again, bringing somewhat of a relief to him, ‘Look on that shelf, every newspaper has you covered on the front page. You did a good thing last night, mister and you did it very well.’ The man showed him the shelf right next to the door. With the newspapers so close to the door, this was an opportunity to get out of the shop. His relief was short lived as an elderly woman came to him, blocking his way somewhat, ‘They should make you a preacher mister. I was watching your speech last night, and you had me glued until your last word. Are you going to do it again?’
A few more people were now joining the woman, and it seemed that everybody wanted to add a comment. As the situation was getting to him, Peter knew that if he did not think of a plan to get out of there quickly, he was going to be caught up for some time.
‘I am sorry to disappoint you...’ he said hurriedly. ...but I was sent to buy this paper. The person is waiting for me, and I already took longer than I should have.’
He shuffled himself past them and then hurriedly rushed across the street. Feeling that people were watching him, he pulled a wool cap from his pocket and pulled it over his head. The rest of the way, he walked with his head in a bowed position, very nervous to be noticed again. Still, people were staring at him with the vague sense of recognition.
Bruce Ashton was furious and he was showing it. It looked like his plan to continue ‘The Miracle Show’ had backfired. He had just arrived at his office when he was summoned to his manager’s office.
‘You say what?’ he said in disbelief. “Do you know what you are doing? Don’t you have the intelligence to see that this man can sell us millions on live TV, and . . . ’
She cut him short in her usual manner of authority. ‘Bruce, don’t you ever underestimate my intelligence again, and besides, what is this idea of putting a hobo on TV, and above all, in a prime slot?”
“Shannon, can you please listen to my idea before you call this off. We...”
Her aggressive interruptions made him go speechless.
“Sit down Bruce and let me do the talking.’
For the first seconds he could only stare at her and could see the impatience growing on her face. Slowly he put his body in the chair without taking his eyes off her. Although she could see his annoyance with her, she ignored it and spoke directly into his face.
“What you said to me on the phone makes no sense. A beggar in a prime slot...on this TV Channel? We might as well get us a respectable preacher to do what you want your hobo to do. Even if you did, I still will not be interested. You see in today’s generation Bruce, God...does not sell. You have to get real. Sex and violence, yes...sex, and violence is what brings in money today. So, forget about your hobo, go find yourself a real smelly story and then come and talk to me again.’
Bruce Ashton knew that Shannon Buoys was a callous person, but what she had just said, should never be left unchallenged.
‘Did I just hear you insulting God, and besides, wasn’t “The Miracle Show” supposed to be religious?’ It was not put as a question, rather more of a statement for argument.
‘You don’t get it, Bruce, do you? You do not have miracles happening every day in front of millions of people. I was not after the godly part; I was only after the miracles. Now, without the miracles, there is going to be now show. I will have the venues cancelled by this afternoon and have all the third parties informed. In the meantime, get your team to come up with something to replace it with.’
‘Shannon, we are talking about God here, and you want me to listen . . .’ He paused for a moment. ‘What about our religious viewers? We can’t disappoint them just like that.’
‘Are you really talking about God or is this about your hobo? About religious viewers at that hour, they make up for only fifteen percent of my viewer population and you want me to have some hobo on there for entertainment. If there is someone who needs a miracle in his life, then it is that hobo of yours. Why don’t you just invite him to church? It might help him much more?’
Bruce knew this could turn ugly, and he wanted proof that it was not through his fault. Secretly he switched on the recorder of his phone. He was tired of the tyranny of this woman and he knew the directors were going to ask for a full report on why the event was dropped. Shannon always got her way, even if it meant lying to the bosses. This time, he was not going to let her get away with it. However, he was still going to try to make her believe that they had a winner. A resuscitated hobo would be the first of its kind for any television channel.
‘Let us try him for one night only. If it is a disaster, I will take the blame, I promise.’
‘Bruce, you are now insulting me. I am in charge here. Religious programmes do not belong on this channel. I am here to make professional decisions, not to find people to blame when things go wrong. This discussion is over, and I would like you to leave my office now.’
All Bruce could do was to look at her with total disbelieve. Although he knew her, he never expected this to end so abruptly.
Shannon Buoys was a woman with a dream, a dream of power, and today she thought she had it all. As the Executive Producer of Interstate Television, she enjoyed having the final say over everybody in her department. She also carried a secret; a secret that made Shannon Buoys carry a permanent hatred for most men. It was a feeling she was no longer fighting. It gave her personal satisfaction if she could make them dance to her tunes. Bruce Ashton was the country’s most successful producer, and she knew it very well. Giving him the final say in every show made her feel intimidated by him. It was time for her to put him in his place and she wanted him to understand that he was working under her instructions.
‘Shannon, if you can talk about religion in this manner, I have to be honest in saying that my respect for you has just dropped five notches.’
‘That is very unfortunate, Bruce as I cannot work with people who cannot respect me. In that case, find yourself another job.’ Her words came with no sympathy and it made him angry.
‘The power behind this job has made you crazy. If you don’t wake up, you will fall very hard, right down into the bottom of a dark pit,’ he spat back at her.
‘Who are you to talk to me like that? You think you are . . .’
He interrupted her. ‘Shannon, why are you treating me like this? Is it because I turned down all your advances?’
He was now happy his recorder was on. He wanted her to do or say something to implicate herself. He had learnt that at this level, when things got dirty, it would only be more dirt that could save a man’s throat.
‘No Bruce, I am just tired of you insulting my position. Everyone in this company thinks you are the one running this department, and it is about time I put you in your place. It is time that you know who is the boss here.”
“But Shannon, can’t you see we can have this...”
“I said it is over Bruce so can you please leave now.”
As he stood in front of her, he felt insulted and embarrassed but thought it better to leave.
‘Shannon, your beauty won’t save you when all this comes down, believe me. I am so sorry I will not be here to see your face. By the way, do not forget that you just fired me, so get my cheque
ready this afternoon as I am leaving right away. Just explain to the board why you did it. Goodbye.’
‘I did not fire you!’ she shouted at him.
‘Yes, you did, I’ve recorded it.’ Not looking back, he lifted the phone above his head and he walked out the door. His words had the desired impact as it struck with brutal force. She knew immediately that she had underestimated the man but felt too embarrassed to call him back.
What scared Shannon to a good extent was that Bruce Ashton could sniff out a good programme very easily. Every single show of his was a huge success at their corporation. Thinking about it, she could not understand what was so great about this hobo. The live miracles on the show would have drawn millions of viewers, not a hobo trying to imitate a preacher. In her mind, she could still see the hobo on her TV screen. She could see nothing remarkable about that man that could make any programme successful.
Only, Shannon Buoys had once again underestimated the true talent of Bruce Ashton.
After leaving Shannon’s office, Bruce did not waste any time. The feeling that the hobo could have something for a good television show was too strong. That staggering action of his last night, might also be a hot topic amongst everybody who had watched him on that stage. The biggest risk for him is to allow it to go cold. Instinct told him that if he wanted to make the most of it, he had to do it promptly. With Shannon not being interested, he dialled a number on his phone and waited.
There was not a single happy face inside the boardroom of Channel 91. Every face of the five top executives was filled with misery as they sat listening to James Andrews who was both the owner and Chairperson of the company. Most of them saw this situation coming as the company was performing well below the profit margin for the last eighteen months. The moment James had walked through the door, despair was fully visible on his face, and he did not even bother to hide it. As they sat listening to his speech, they could feel the gloom of their near future arriving.
“Gentlemen, we have been running on a negative budget for more than a year now. I hope you all had read the documents I had sent to you yesterday. The banks are no longer requesting bigger payments on our arrears; they are now demanding settlements on those accounts. Look at the balance sheets in front of you. We are making less money than we did four years ago. What company can run on a budget like that? There are big companies with massive bank accounts out there and we failed to draw them in to advertise with us. Those that are currently doing business with us, have only one slot a day with others on only one slot a week. We cannot make money in this manner. You are either not doing your job, or we need to look if we have the right producers in this company. Last night I had a look at the advertising space available on our network and I could cry for what I saw. We are running on forty-three percent. That is how bad it is. What are we doing with the rest...is that why we have all that third grade documentaries now showing during peak hours?” He looked at them one by one making sure they could see the discontent on his face.
“This company did great when my father handed it over to me. This company is definitely not going down on my watch. I will replace this whole board of executives if I have to and believe me; I am seriously giving that a thought. You have ninety days to turn this company around; otherwise, heads are going to roll. Gentlemen, there is lots of money out there and it is not in our account. From this moment, your job is going to get it. Do not ask me how; I employed you for that so thank you very much in advance, this meeting is over.
He walked into his office still with the same sombre looking face when the phone started to ring. Knowing it could be for him, he said to his secretary; “No calls for me Sally, at least for the next hour.”
“I think you should take this sir, it is Bruce Ashton.” She said that somewhat adamant.
He looked at her in a baffled way then replied, “Bruce Ashton, put it though.”
Eagerly he darted for the phone that started ringing on his desk.
‘Bruce Ashton is that you?’
‘James...yes, and how are you doing?’
‘Could have been much better if I had you working for me. Talking about that, I am ready to make you an offer. Just say . . .’
‘Listen, James. If you are still interested in me, I might just be available, but it will be with one huge condition. Can I come over to your office right now? I will tell you my conditions, and if you agree . . . we might just work something out.’
James nearly fell off his chair. He could not believe what he was hearing. The man he had wanted for so long in his company was offering himself to him. For a minute, he thought he was dreaming.
‘Tell me you are not joking, Bruce . . . you said right now? . . . If this is not a joke . . . hell Bruce, don’t you pull jokes on me like this...?’ He stumbled over his words with all the excitement and was glad Bruce had ended the call before he could start acting stupidly.
James Mathews, a forty-six year old man, was of very short build and has an exceptional brain for business. Since a very young age, his father had trusted him all along with Channel 91’s affairs, and he had inherited it from him. He was no walkover, but he knew he would give in to whatever demands Bruce Ashton had for him. In the most unexpected way, he could feel that his breakthrough had come. New adrenalin started running through his body as he picked up his phone. “Sally, cancel all my appointments for today.’ Without waiting for a response, he put the phone down and he smiled...the most optimistic smile in his lifetime.
Bruce was greeted with a big smile by the receptionist as he walked through the door. Before he could even speak, he heard her saying into the mouthpiece of her phone; “Mr Mathews, Mr. Ashton has arrive.” With the same smile she turned to Bruce saying; “Mr Mathews will be with you in a minute sir.” Bruce nodded as he started to look around the room. His mind was not really in what he saw as he had some concern over what James would think about his proposal. Just as he was about to walk closer to a picture on the wall, he heard James as he walked out of the lift.
“Sally please make sure all the doors are locked in the building. I am not letting this man get away... Bruce how are you?”
“Hi James, haven’t see you in a while. Is it my imagination or did you really grew another two inches.”
James responded to the comment with laughter as he replied; “I am not wasting a minute of my time with you on silly jokes. Let’s get to my office and right down to business, coffee is already waiting for us.” He guided Bruce towards the lift with a gentle push on the back.
“So what is this condition of yours?” James asked as he leaned back in his chair with a cup of coffee.
Bruce lifted his eyes as he was still putting sugar in his cup. “Did you hear what happened last night on the Miracle Event?”
“I should not say this but I was tuned in for the show, what a disaster, and that hobo, why you kept him on there. I must say he caused some good entertainment. Did you read the papers, he is all over...”
“James, I want to continue the program with that hobo and I am looking for a station that is willing to that.”
The smile on James’ face instantly disappeared as he stared at Bruce making sure he had heard him right. “Did I hear this correctly; you want to produce a religious show with a beggar...uh... with a hobo as the anchor?”
“Yes” Bruce answered him very assertive making sure he took the topic serious enough.
“Bruce...” James placed his coffee down and started speaking with hand indications. ‘...are you loosing it, a hobo taking over a miracle event? What in heaven is this? Is there even a name for stuff like...whatever it is you want to do?”
“Listen James...but before we start, do you have a producer available? I want to discuss this with a team from the beginning. I am already running against the clock. You can then decide from there.”
James looked strongly at Bruce as he slowly reached for the phone. Seconds later he spoke to somebody; “Brad, can you and Thompson come to the Executive board
room again...now please.” Slowly he placed down the phone and said; ‘Bruce, I hope you are bringing me a miracle as that is about the only thing that can save this company.”
“Then let us go to that boardroom.” Bruce said as he took the last sip of coffee from his cup.
Walking into the room, James could see toned-down smiles on the faces of both Brad Chase and Maurice Thompson as they greeted Bruce. The reason for that was clear to him and he felt he should put them at ease before they start.
“Don’t worry gentlemen; he is not here to replace you. He has a proposal for us and I am as much left out as you are” He then candidly asked them to take their seats and turned to Bruce. “Can we start?” he asked amiably.
“Of course...,” he said directing his attention to Brad and Maurice. “I think you know what happened on the show last night, but first, in case you did not know, that beggar is no other than Peter Johnson, former school principle of Excelsior High...”
“What...?’ James came upright in his chair with amazement with Brad and Maurice also gaping at Bruce.
“...are you definitely sure Bruce?”
“Yes, I also did not know that until somebody introduce himself as Ray Johnson and claiming that man to be his father. Gentlemen, we are talking about a man whose school had a one-hundred percent pass rate for five consecutive years. That school was left in a total mess and that man was left to dry out on the streets. Can you see why I think we might have a scoop here?”
“You know that man educated two of my children and I can still remember my daughter coming home crying when he was asked to pack and go.” James said turning to Brad asking; Brad was it not you who covered that story five or six years ago?”
‘Yes, sir, and I remember giving it special attention as my son was also his student then.”
James, starring at Bruce, asked him in a very considerable way; “Okay, we all know that he stood out exceptionally well as a teacher and principle but what value can he offer Channel 91?”
Bruce studied him closely hoping on a positive outcome and he started slowly. “Gentlemen, firstly I want you to know we are taking a risk here. The only guarantee I have for you right now is my instincts and nothing more. I want to put that man on stage and have him taking over the remaining dates of the ‘Miracle show.’ He could see the surprises on the faces of the men in front of him. James still had that uncertain smile on his face with the other two falling back in their chairs. It was a sign that Bruce knows too well; they are not interested. That confirmation came with the words from James himself.
‘Bruce, like I said, I see no sense in this. There would be just no transfixing, no punch...no grip in a programme like that. The company is already in trouble and like you said, it is a risk; a risk I just cannot afford.”
Bruce stayed calm as he always does when the going gets tough. He had determination and that was going to see him through this obstacle. “James, when I walked in here, one of the first things you said to me was that this company needs a miracle. Now, that was exactly why that beggar went to that event...for a miracle. The Miracle Event can now be considered doomed but for that hobo, his wish was granted. What he needs now is for someone to help him in taking it forward.”
“Wait... Bruce wait, are you requesting from us a favour to help this man?”
“No James, this man is going to help you.”
‘I had high hopes when you phoned me Bruce. In fact, I still want you to work for me but a hobo in a prime slot...?
‘Well, at least I tried. I am sorry if I had wasted your time. Gentlemen, I am sorry but thanks for your time.” They could read so much disappointment on his face, that it displayed more of a person in despair. James called after him as he headed for the door.
“What about our discussion about you coming to work here. Can I hold you on that Bruce?”
“Come on James, you should know that I am not going to give up that easily. I’m going to put whatever it takes to...”
“What if I give you one night?” James casually interrupted him.
“What!” Bruce’s eyes widened at the question.
“What if I give you one night with the teacher, do we have a deal?”
He had a wide smile on his face as he started to walk back to the table. He looked at each one of them before he addressed James. “I guess this will be my team.” He said smiling wider at Brad and Maurice. “We will not disappoint you James. In fact, it would be much in your favour if you book all the venues now.”
“You and your calculated risks Bruce Ashton...” James had a wry smile on his face as he studied the other two. “...what do you two say, will it be worth a risk?”
“Sounds challenging and exciting, I said we go for it.” Brad’s enthusiasm to be part of this was notable in his voice.
“I also agree with Bruce but how do we get this started with so little time left.” Maurice sounded somewhat bothered.
Bruce became a body of relief as he watched the persons in front of him consenting to the idea. “Yes gentlemen, our time is short so we would need all the contacts we have in the media. Some radio stations had talks about this hobo this morning and there was some good commentary coming from it. We need this to continue on more radio stations especially the major ones. If you have any contacts in the newspaper business, please use them to run front-page stories for at least another day. Brad, you run a story in the news tonight and if you can, run a short program on him as well. Now that everyone is on . . . we have just more than forty-eight hours left.”
“What about Peter Johnson, is he willing to do this?” James was busy standing up as he posed the question to Bruce
“I have not spoken to him yet but I’m hot on his tail.”
“What! You have us discussing this in detail and still the key person is not on board yet!” James yelled in surprise.
“Relax James; I am on my way to meet him now. I will phone you as soon as my discussion with him is over.”
Brad was suddenly showing signs of concern and asked; “Should we stall the arrangements with the newspapers and radio stations until...”
Bruce interrupted him knowing what he was thinking. “Brad, we have no time for any further delays. No, you carry on with everything as discussed. I will have to leave now, as I do not want to miss our beggar.
He started to walk out of the office when James called after him. “Wait, what about your position with Live Entertainment?”
Bruce stopped to face in his direction and said very poised; “Oh... I forgot to tell you, I got fired this morning.” Not waiting for a response, he carried on walking out of the office.
They starred at the door long after he had left through it.