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A Bullet For God Page 23

  Chapter 22

  The Johnsons could not have asked for a better day as it had open skies with hardly any wind blowing. They were up early and the backyard lawn was slowly turning into a holiday resort. Four umbrellas stood next to one another with chairs lined up all around them. In the corner stood a tent under which were two tables filled with snacks and fruit. A mini fridge filled with juices and beverages was placed under one of the tables. In the other corner, a fire was burning, waiting for the meat to be roasted. Ross was seated in a chair under one of the umbrellas, watching the three women moving back and forth between the tables and the house. His mind was divided amidst lots of thoughts. He thought of the complication with Collin and the police as well as the problems that Max’s death could cause. There were bright sides too; this week also had its blessings. He had Gina coming back into his life, and a very successful completion of his first contract. Gina could not have come into his life at a better time. If she had arrived a month earlier, he would not have known how to handle the situation. He was on his last cents, and it was going to be impossible for him to hide his concerns from a woman like her. He felt very sad over Max’s death. What scared him most was that it could have been him or Collin who died in that street. As he started thinking of how to get rid of the watch, an idea suddenly came to mind: What if the Rolex could save Diamond Steel? It suddenly seems like a good idea, and the more he thought about it, the more it began to look possible. He hoped there would be enough time as the auction was on the coming Saturday, which gave him only a week to work on it.

  ‘Shouldn’t you be at work today? Lying around like this is no good for a man your age.’

  There was a slight wrench in Ross’s body as Peter’s voice woke him bluntly from his contemplation. Standing behind him were Ray and Collin.

  ‘Hi, Dad . . . Ray, Collin.’ He greeted them individually.

  ‘What is happening at the grounds? Are things in order there?’ Peter asked.

  ‘Well, I spoke to them twenty minutes ago. They should have everything away in two more hours.’

  ‘Good, who is handling it for you?’

  ‘Don’t worry, Dad, all the men are there besides Collin and me.’

  ‘Then you better hold on to them, son.’ You might need them in the future.

  ‘What do you mean, Dad?’ Ross sounded excited, hearing this.

  ‘Channel 91 is covering a rock concert three weeks from now. Bruce wants you to be available for the stage set-up. I do not have all the details, but I think the job is yours. He will still discuss it with you.’

  ‘Hell, thank you, Dad. It sounds promising.’

  ‘Don’t thank me. I had nothing to do with this. It is time you two started working on your future. After Wednesday, all I want is for my life to return to normal. I am just happy to see the three of you back as a family.’

  ‘It’s all because of you. We are happy to have you back,’ Ray said happily. ‘Dad, you better talk to Ross about his future.’ Ray said trying to steer the conversation in another direction.

  ‘What about my future?’ Ross turned irritably to Ray.

  Ray, in turn then pointed at Gina. ‘She is waiting for you to pop the question, and still you . . .’

  ‘Dad, I am going to choke this son of yours if he does not step out of my personal life.’

  ‘He is right, Ross. What is your problem? Are you waiting for competition? Look at her. If you allow that girl to walk the streets freely for too long, a million men will fall over their feet to take her out . . . and end up marrying her.’

  Although somewhat embarrassed with the topic, Ross thought it better to only smile at them. The relationship between him and Gina was lifting off again and it was not open for public discussions, not even with his own family.

  ‘Who’s getting married?’ The sound of Kim’s voice made them to turn in that direction. They all went quiet when they saw the person next to her. Shannon was smiling as she saw the surprise on Peter’s face.

  ‘Why the surprise Teacher, you thought I wouldn’t come?’

  ‘No. It’s just that I did not expect you so early,’ he said as a smile started to replace the surprise. ‘Meet my sons, Ray, Ross, and Collin, and you already met my daughter-in-law, Kimberley.’

  He looked around, searching for Gina, and called her to them. ‘This is my future daughter-in-law . . . hopefully,’ he said, gesturing to Ross, who was openly blushing. Only the two women were smiling while the men were holding sombre faces. Peter, who was in no mood to discuss the issue, took serious control over the matter as he addresses them.

  ‘Everybody, this is Shannon, and I personally promised her to be a part of the family today, so every one of you is to treat her exactly like that. Shannon, do not let anybody spoil you day. If so, report that person to me and I will deal with it.’

  An uncomfortable silence hung amongst them, and nobody knew what to say. Ray could not take the silence any longer and addressed the situation confidently saying; ‘Well, Shannon, you are most welcome, and I hope you have a wonderful time with us today.’

  This made it easy for the others to start chatting to her while Peter and Ray nodded at one another with smiles. Seeing that talking could last forever, Peter interrupted them. ‘Come on everybody, everything seems to be standing still. Kim, find Shannon an apron and get going.’

  ‘Dad, I don’t believe what you just said, she is a guest.’ Kim was objecting strongly to his instruction.

  ‘I think you did not hear properly to what I said Kim. She is part of the family today. Now get going . . . all of you.’

  Kim just shook her head while pulling Shannon by the arm.

  ‘Let’s go, Shannon. You sure picked the wrong father for this day.’

  “Has he always been like that?” Shannon asked surprisingly from Kim.

  “You mean if Peter Johnson was always in charge over everyone?” Kim asked in response.

  “Something like that...if you put it that way.”

  “Shannon, that man’s heart is as soft as tissue. The problem we have with him is that he always makes statements that are impossible to argue against.”

  Although they were all laughing, Shannon could not help to notice the respect this family had for Peter Johnson. She starred after him in admiration not knowing what to think.

  The three brothers were not as lucky as Gina had interfered with their laughter.

  ‘Teacher, can you get those young men to put up the jumping castle and get the meat on the fire, please?’

  Peter was still smiling as he said to them, ‘You heard the lady, gentlemen. I do not need to repeat that.’

  Like students, they walked in the direction of the castle. Only a minute later, Peter had to turn his attention back to Gina as she called on him again, ‘Your daughter is here.’ She shouted showing towards the driveway of the house.

  Gina could see how Peter’s eyes lightened up at the news and a smile formed on his lips. However, the smile did not last long. The moment he turned to see his daughter, the smile disappeared. Sandra was standing next to her two sons, showing a delighted smile. Her dress code was what bothered him and he had disappointment and embarrassment on his face. The top she wore only covered the skin to just above her navel and exposed too much of her cleavage. The jeans started so low around her middle that they left very little to the imagination. Although disappointed in the way she was dressed, Peter could see how his daughter had grown into a beauty. He could see her mother’s image in her, the honey-toned skin, long black hair, and those beautiful brown eyes. The urge to rush forward and hug his daughter was in battle with his disappointment. From a distance, the brothers were watching - knowing exactly what was on Peter’s mind. They could even feel some of the embarrassment their father was going through. Peter was saddened because his daughter’s future was not looking too bright. Aged twenty-one, two kids from different fathers, was definitely not what he had planned for the little girl he once carried in his arms as a baby. They stepp
ed closer to one another, Sandra still with the smile on her face and he still with a mind in confusion. Once he was close to her, he put his hands on her shoulders and quickly planted a kiss on her forehead, at the same time using his arms to keep some distance between them.

  ‘Can we go talk inside?’

  With one arm over her shoulder, he slightly pushed her towards the house.

  ‘Is something wrong, Dad?’ The smile had now disappeared.

  ‘I’ll tell you once we’re inside.’ He could see many questions in her eyes and felt a bit sorry and some guilt for doing that to her. Entering the house, he guided her to his room, and he closed the door behind them. Looking into her eyes, he saw the confusion, and his guilt doubled. However, Peter knew that even if this was the last time he was going to give his daughter a lecture; he was not going to back down.

  ‘Sandra, my daughter, I love you, I missed you, and I was very much looking forward to this moment, seeing you again.’

  He paused briefly, and he could see the smile forming around her lips again. Although hard for him to spoil that smile, he continued, ‘You knew you were coming to see me today, didn’t you?’

  ‘Yes Dad.’

  ‘Then why would you dress like this when coming to see your father?’

  She showed utmost surprise at her father and became visibly upset.

  ‘Oh no, Dad, please do not start again. I looked so forward to this moment, now it is spoilt just because . . .’

  ‘No, Sandra, I’m not starting again. I have been like this all my life. You are the one who refuses to know what the words respect or discipline mean. I am not some sort of a date or a boyfriend of yours. I am your father, damn it. Dressing like this . . . my daughter, exposing herself to her own father. Does it make sense to you because to me it does not?’

  ‘Dad, you just don’t get it, do you?’

  ‘Get what, Sandra, what is so difficult for me to understand?’

  Her anger was growing to the extent that she wanted to shout at him. ‘That this is today’s fashion, Dad . . . everybody is dressed like this. It’s not just me.’

  ‘Yes, you are so right, and I am not trying to change the world. I am your father, not just a titleholder. Either you respect me for that or you don’t. Please let me not come back to the same conditions for which I left. I am asking for nothing more.’

  ‘Dad, I am not a little girl any more. Please stop treating me like one.’

  ‘Sandra, I love you so much that I wish you could stay my little girl forever. Tell me, how do you expect me to give you advice when you consider yourself too wise to listen to any? Please listen to me. Stop having situations designed for you and yourself only. There are others living around you, so give and earn a little respect to and from them, especially your parents. Do you know how much I wanted to hug you today? I could never hug my daughter when she is half-naked like this, not now, not ever. You said it yourself. You are not a little girl anymore, so you should have known to dress for the occasion. This is a family and friends gathering, not some immoral teenage party. Go out there and see if anybody else is as exposed as you are.’

  ‘Are you done now, Dad, because you have just spoilt my day,’ she said sadly.

  ‘Oh, this is your day? Everything must be about you and your world. Maybe I spoilt what you call your day. Do you know how much you spoilt your father’s five-year dream? Every morning, every night, I longed to hold my only daughter tightly against me and to tell her how much I missed her and how much I loved her. Yet, as much I am not hugging you as I wished, I still want you to know I love you, and out of everybody I missed, I missed you the most. So let me not spoil your day any further.’

  She stared after him with wide eyes as he walked out of the room. ‘Dad . . .’

  He silently looked at her with disappointment. His girl had not changed a bit, and it hurt with a pain only a disappointed parent could feel.

  ‘Please give me that hug.’ He could see she really wanted him to hold her. He lifted his arms, and she rushed into them. As tough as Peter Johnson was, he could not stop the tear rolling down his face.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Dad, and I love you too.’

  He held her for a long moment, and as he pulled himself together, he slowly released her. ‘Did you just say that you love your father?’


  ‘Did you say that you are sorry?’

  ‘Yes Dad.’

  ‘Then ask Kim to lend you a top and cover yourself properly.’

  ‘That is blackmail, Dad.’

  ‘If the ransom is love, then I accept the consequences.’

  She saw the tear in his eye and hugged him again.

  ‘I missed you so much, Dad, I missed you so much.’

  Deep inside, he wonders if she was ever going to change.

  The amazements of the day were long from over for Peter Johnson. As he stepped through the door, he stopped dead in his tracks. The backyard was now filled with people. Still trying to overcome the confusion, he saw Ray, Bruce, and one of his ex-schoolteachers walking towards him.

  ‘Mr Johnson, what a pleasure to see you back. I hope you came to stay for good.’ The teacher was keeping the conversation short, not to embarrass Peter about his recent past.

  ‘The pleasure is mine, Mr Heston. Are you still at our school?’

  ‘Will you believe me if I tell you I am the principal now?’

  ‘Honestly, Heston, it is not a surprise. You always had the qualities for that.’

  ‘I feel honoured with those words coming from you, sir, and I hope to invite you to your school soon. We can do with a speech from you.’

  ‘I feel very honoured, Heston, thank you.’

  As they walked towards a table, Peter was focused on the many people on the lawn. ‘I thought you said it was a family get-together,’ he said to Ray.

  Ray put one arm over his father’s shoulder while pointing to the guests. ‘Show me the ones that you do not consider as good as family, and I’ll make sure they get escorted out by the gate.’

  ‘Are you testing me, son?’

  ‘No, Dad, just that you once told us, if you’re going to have friends, make sure they are as close as family, and I was only fourteen years old, remember?’

  ‘What else do you remember?’

  ‘The hiding you gave me on my fifteenth birthday.’

  There was loud laughter from the group of them. Hearing his son speak in this manner made Peter a very proud man, and he could not think of anything better than to say, ‘Gentlemen, for you who did not know, this is my son.’ However, the sound of a bell drew their attention to Gina. ‘We all have to move that way, people. There is going to be a toast made, so please . . .’

  Ray took two steps aside to allow the others to pass. Gina, still with the bell in her hand, made an announcement that had Ross fuming where he stood at the fire.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, on the tables are champagne and grape juice. Please fill a glass and wait for a speech made by a man of whom the Teacher is very proud . . . Ross Parker will you please come forward.’

  ‘Did you know about this?’ Ray could see that Ross was angry.

  ‘Behave yourself. We have guests.’

  ‘But couldn’t you guys at least had warned me? I am not prepared for something like this.’

  ‘There is no time to argue, Ross. The people are already waiting,’ Ray said unsympathetically.

  Knowing there was nothing he could do, Ross walked towards Gina, who was already holding a glass of champagne out towards him.

  ‘Knock them out, Ross,’ she said softly as she handed him the glass.

  ‘I’ll be knocking all over you once this is over, Gina Flanagan,’ he fired back at her.

  ‘Really, what should I be wearing?’ she whispered in a teasing voice.

  He had a very embarrassing blush and instead of responding, he turned towards the guest. He looked carefully over them and noticed one of his former classmates. As he waved, he saw two hands ris
ing. He could not believe his eyes; it was Billy and Jesse. The two had always been together, and because of their names, they were referred to as the two cowboys. Ross was still smiling, thinking of certain schooldays when Gina pushed him in the side, a sign for him to begin. Although very nervous, Ross knew he could not stall any longer.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, let it be known that I have never made a toast or a speech before, so it is an honour to have my very first to a man of this nature. This man is blessed with so much wisdom that there is more than enough for all of us to swim in. Dad, thank you for taking me into your family and for enriching me with some of that wisdom. There is one piece of advice you gave me that I will never forget. I will quote you for the guests here this afternoon. You said, “Son, if you are willing to listen to good advice, you will always give birth to wisdom.” Peter Johnson, I can never be you, but I sure as hell am going to live my life with you as my role model, and Dad, on behalf of every single person present here . . .’ Ross raised his arm, lifting the glass with everyone following. ‘This toast is for what you stand for, for the morality and the principles of humanity. Thank you.’

  Through all the applause and the noise that followed, Gina, who had Shannon by her side, stepped closer to Ross, and said, ‘I will not forget that promise about knocking all over me, Mr Parker.’

  Without waiting for his response, she left him red-faced and too shy to answer in front of Shannon.

  ‘Wow, what was that all about?’ Shannon demanded to know from Gina.

  ‘That man made me wait four years on the steps of the college. This is my way of getting back at him. Come, I am hungry. Let us go get something to eat.”

  Peter and Heston were looking for a table to sit at when they saw Shannon waving in their direction. Heston could not believe his eyes when he recognised her immediately.

  ‘I don’t believe it. You have Shannon Buoys here without a crew and as a guest. Peter Johnson, you are surely moving in high society.’

  ‘I tell you what, Heston, why don’t you go get your food and join their table? I will meet up with you later. I just want to go over to those two gentlemen.’ He said pointing to Bruce and James.

  Heston did not waste time for such an opportunity. For him to sit at the same table as Shannon Buoys would be an honour. Peter watched him walk over to their table as he started his way to James and Bruce.

  ‘Are you guys still enjoying yourselves?’ he asked as he took up the vacant chair at their table.

  James had a smile on his face while Bruce had a somewhat sombre face.

  ‘Is something wrong, Bruce? You do not look too happy.’

  As Peter was staring at Bruce, he was not breaking eye contact. Bruce returned the stare, and managed a slight smile as he said, ‘You could have warned me that she was coming.’

  ‘Oh, are you talking about Shannon? Come on, Bruce, if you can manage me, you sure should be able to manage her. Look at her. She is enjoying herself, and you should be much happier than what she is. The reason all these people are here today is because of you. Look at the smiles on all the faces around you. You are responsible for it . . . because you brought me home. If Shannon is an enemy to you, then you have earned yourself a bonus, for she is sharing in this happiness created by you.’

  James was so motivated by the words of the man in front of him that his mouth was hanging open. He turned to Bruce, saying, ‘Bruce, I don’t think you will ever find a better accolade than the appraisals in those words. Peter, when this is all over, I want you to spend enough time around me. You know how to turn negatives into positives.’

  Bruce suddenly smiled again and gave Peter a very appreciative look.

  ‘Thank you, Peter, I never thought of it that way. Still, I need to talk to you about the other side of that woman. For now, you got me in a good mood again, and I am not spoiling it. I am going for some more food.’ He rose from his chair and left the other two smiling at one another.

  Joyful screaming made them to look in the direction of the children on the air castle.

  ‘Hey, don’t I know that girl?’ Peter asked James.

  ‘Which one?’ James asked.

  ‘The one in the red shorts and floral top.’

  ‘Oh . . . I forgot to tell you, you’ve been too busy with your guests. The Atkinsons are here . . .’

  ‘What?’ Peter looked at him, jubilant, and then turned his head, searching for them.

  ‘There they are.’ James pulled on his sleeve, pointing to a table on the porch.

  Peter rose immediately from his chair. ‘You don’t mind if I . . . ?’

  ‘I cannot stop you Peter, these are your guests. You go make them feel at home.’ It was a casual reply from James.

  My children really surprised me today, he thought as he walked over to the porch. Seeing Peter coming in their direction, Michael rose from his chair with an outstretched arm, waiting to greet him.

  ‘Peter thanks for the invitation. I thought I would never have a chance to chat with you. You’ve been busy all day.’

  ‘Yeah, I really need to praise these children of mine! They told me we are having a family gathering and I never expected my family to be as large as this.’

  ‘You should be proud of them, Peter. Not many would do this for a parent. It shows they had really missed you, and the food is great. I want to know who made these salads. They’re the greatest I’ve had in a long while.’ Kathy sounded so sincere that Peter kept the topic going.

  ‘You must be missing the food business a lot.’

  ‘Honestly, in a way I do, but that is in the past but now, what we needed to tell you is, tomorrow we are driving out to Bolton.’

  ‘You are not serious?’ Peter leant forward in reaction to her words.

  ‘So serious that we are asking you to come with us,’ Michael said very earnestly.

  Peter was too delighted to say anything. It took him a lengthy moment before he eventually said, ‘Listen, Mrs Atkinson, Mr Atkinson . . .’

  ‘It’s Kathy and Michael to you, please, Peter!’

  ‘Okay . . . Michael, Kathy, you don’t have to go. I know I came down a bit hard on you the other day. It was never my intention to put pressure on you . . .’

  ‘Peter, do not say you are sorry. On Thursday night, I went to sleep with your words on my mind as your request was haunting me. I found myself staring at the picture of my daughters as it kept on drawing my attention. I do not know . . . it was as if there was a message from them. I want to find out myself if that message is not coming from that town of yours.’ Peter could read the sincerity in his words.

  ‘My town?’

  ‘Yes . . . I mean you told us about it, didn’t you?’

  ‘No, sir, I felt the spirits of your daughters there. It should be theirs.’

  ‘The . . . ? Oh, I see . . .’ Michael was too stumbled for words as he felt some emotions.

  ‘Maybe it is true what your wife said.’ When Peter saw them looking at each other in confusion, he quickly added, ‘There was a reason for our paths to cross.’

  ‘Oh, that . . . she told me about that. Does it mean that you are coming with us?’

  ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t.’

  For a second time, he could see true disappointment on their faces.

  ‘I thought that you . . .’

  ‘Yes, I still want you to go, and I want you to make that decision on your own. I do not want my presence to have any influence on it. Go there, see, think, and make a decision deep from your heart.’

  ‘Peter, why are you suddenly not so keen? Do you have somebody else, or are there . . . ?’

  Kathy was showing her disappointment very openly.

  ‘Look, Kathy . . . Michael, so far this has been my best day of the last . . . can I say . . . five years. You just added the cherry on the cake. Just by knowing you are going to Bolton has me all excited. I will give you a telephone number for Josh Clayton. If you go through with this and make it a success, which I do no
t doubt one bit, you will have a real taste of what happiness is all about. Go give those people a life. Your twins are waiting for you there.’

  ‘I am so excited I already can’t wait,’ Kathy said with a very broad smile.

  ‘Great! You see, you just put a smile on my face too. Should I get you some drinks?’

  ‘Yes, please, and if you change your mind about coming with us, we will be most happy.’

  ‘Thank you, Michael, but this is your call. You are on the brink of making many dreams come true. In the meantime can I ask you to keep it quiet?’

  As he walked away, Michael said softly to his wife, ‘This man really reminds me a lot of Mandela.’

  Kathy was not listening, for she was thinking the same.

  Peter was hardly seated when James leant over to him. ‘You know, Peter, I would give anything to run a story on those two. There must be very few people who have not eaten in one of their restaurants at least once.’

  ‘You know what, Mathews, you might just be lucky. Something special is going to happen within the next two weeks. There is something very special involving those two coming up. Tell Bruce to keep a crew and the cameras ready.’

  ‘Are you sure? How big?’ Mathews could not hide his excitement.

  ‘Mathews, I did not say big. I said special. By the way, where is Bruce?’

  ‘You do not know . . . I thought . . . he and Sean just left for a place called Bolton.’

  ‘What are you telling me?’ There was nothing else Peter could say, except to stare at James.

  ‘Somebody needs to choke that Bruce.’

  ‘Since when did you become violent?’ James could not help laughing as he responded to Peter’s words.